Packaging keyword:Skin care oil cardboard tube boxes packaging
FOB price:01$-0.9$
Address:Shenzhen China
Min.order quantity:1000
Address:Shenzhen China


If you want to customize skin care oil package make your oil brand more famous, try the cardboard tube packaging, they may make your product sales better. Because good product packaging for the product, is just as a beautiful woman wearing a noble and gorgeous clothes, will be more outstanding and attractive. And for different essential oil products, continuous improvement of packaging design should be the best. Because every consumer wants to see the best product packaging, and keep pace with the times, this highlights the product is also progress, to get more loyal customers.

This is a 10ml small essential oil cardboard box with orange as the background color of the package, using special paper as the face paper with fine lines. Since cardboard is taken as the main material, when rolled into a cylinder, it is not very beautiful, so most of them use the 60-128g of copper as the inner adhesive paper, to make the inside part of the entire package delicate and bright. It uses special thin stripe paper as the outer layer of adhesive paper, with orange background color, and the choice of red UV processing, packaging looks more upscale. In the final stage of the package design, it uses two styles of contrast, based on the original cover in the red lid and the bottom of the increase of curved lines, the ultimate is the use of such a design concept, the overall appearance gets an improvement. The main logo and text printing, it is mainly 100% pure essential oils and brands, which is very important.

Because we are custom packaging manufacturers, so we can produce the latest styles of customized products for you, you only need to tell us your product features and printing needs, as well as the packaging of AI source files can be sent to us, we can provide Time for your production of the most perfect custom cardboard tube packaging.

Skin care oil cardboard tube packaging Image

Skin care oil cardboard packaging tubes custom small round cardboard boxes with lids custom small cardboard tube boxes packaging small round cardboard boxes wholesale Custom small cardboard tube packaging for Skin care oil small cardboard tube boxes with lids wholesale small cardboard tube packaging for skincare oil


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